
宋文琛团队 | 以创新力为导向的“土壤微生物学”教学改革与实践



图1 三年开顶箱升温试验(open-top-chamber, OTC)对土壤细菌多样性的影响 不同的字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)

Figure 1 The effects of warming on bacterial Shannon index in August 2018, 2019 and 2020. Different letters indicate the significant differences (P<0.05).

图2 课程改革前与改革后学生的打分情况对比

Figure 2 Comparison of students’ grading before and after the curriculum reform. Significance: P<0.001.

图3 学生对课程效果调查指标的回复情况 A:注重创新意识启迪,鼓励批判性思考和讨论,激发我的探索欲望. B:注重因材施教,引导我热爱学习、自主学习. C:讲课节奏适中,条理清晰,逻辑严密,精讲重点难点,课堂学习收获大,对我专业能力提升有重要支撑作用. D:紧密联系学科前沿,注重问题引导,有启发、提问、互动、探讨等环节,课堂气氛活跃,激发学习兴趣. E:教学有效信息量大,内容有一定挑战度,方法有创新性,对我拓展性学习有指导,满足我的求知需求. F:积极与学生沟通交流,主动吸纳学生意见和建议,关注学生学习感受和效果,主动改进教学. G:课程理论体系完整,知识结构科学,作业适量,课程考核公正科学,过程性考核与结果性考核有效结合,激励我整个学期努力学习. H:时刻关注科学研究和社会发展动态,及时更新教学内容,持续改进教学

Figure 3 The responses from students’ regarding the evaluation indicators of course effectiveness. A: Emphasis is placed on inspiring innovation awareness, encouraging critical thinking and discussion, and stimulating my desire to explore. B: Focus on teaching according to students’ abilities, guiding me to love learning and study independently. C: The lecture pace is moderate, the structure is clear, the logic is rigorous, the key and difficult points are emphasized in detail, and the classroom learning gains are substantial, which provides important support for improving my professional abilities. D: Closely linked to the forefront of the subject, focus on problem guidance, with inspiring, questioning, interactive, and exploratory links. The classroom atmosphere is lively and stimulates learning interest. E: The teaching effectively provides a large amount of information, the content has a certain degree of challenge, the approach is innovative, and it guides me to expand my learning and meet my thirst for knowledge. F: Actively communicate with students, proactively absorb student opinions and suggestions, pay attention to students’ learning feelings and effects, and actively improve teaching. G: The course theoretical system is complete, the knowledge structure is scientific, the homework is appropriate, the course assessment is fair and scientific, and the combination of process assessment and result assessment effectively motivates me to study hard throughout the semester. H: Paying attention to scientific research and social development trends at all times, updating teaching content timely, and continuously improving teaching.

图4 学生对课程整体评价的调查结果

Figure 4 The survey results of students’ overall evaluation of the course.

图5 学生对课程的不同评语所占比例

Figure 5 The proportion of students’ different comments of the course.